Friday, January 28, 2011

My Narrative Report with Pictures

           Being a student teacher is not an easy task. Lots of demands from your mentors must be attained. High expectations are given to you. There are lots of tears that were shed due to remake of lesson plans, grades, and mentors' comments. you must be strong in meeting the hardship of being a student teacher but I do believe that through the hardship I've experienced inside ILS will mold me to be a best teacher someday. All my sufferings will be all worth when I'll be in the real battle field as being a teacher.
          One thing I could say about my learners is that they are very noisy during our first met. there are times that they did not respect their student teachers, thus, it creates a gap and hate between us (student teachers) and them. As days went by, I've learned that even though they are very stubborn they are still sweet and lovable in their own little ways.
         To my fellow student teachers, so far we are okay though there are times that we misunderstood each other. Every problems and failure we've experienced due to the pressure of being a student teacher we are still there to comfort and hug each other. Lots of tears we've shed due to lots of factors but you never saw as leaving each other in the midst of sadness. We've always at each others' side to give encouragement and joy. Thus, we've created a beautiful and strong bond.
         To my beloved mentor, Dr. Steven L. Baylan, he is a  very kind, understanding, approachable, responsible, calm and a very supportive mentor though he is lazy sometimes. And we are lucky to have him as our mentor because in him we felt that we are worth and being loved and cared. he is always their to entertain all our problems and complains. Thus, I consider him as a strong tree for us to hang on in every failure that we've encountered. I really enjoy to be with his company and I know like my other co-student teachers, we treasured him like a precious diamond.


  1. I'm inspired with you thought .. :)

  2. Wow! I was very astounding with your performance being a teacher. You really very good teacher and I'm so inspired with you from your good words :-)
    This is Mar.

    I took Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching.

  3. Wow! I was very astounding with your performance being a teacher. You really very good teacher and I'm so inspired with you from your good words :-)
    This is Mar.

    I took Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching.

  4. Nakakahanga ang iyong character.

  5. yes, being a student teacher is not an easy task, it helps you responsible and use your expertise
