Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Was Rizal chased or a chaste?

Jociel L. Ledesma
9:00-10:30 M/W

Was Rizal chased or a chaste?

In this world every individual needs partner in life; someone to hold on, someone to be cared and loved, someone who could bright the day under the rain and someone who could make you smile and inspire you that made tiresome brought by the day invisible to feel. Rizal, like every other man also fall in the sweetest but the craziest little thing called love. In speaking of love, Rizal was chased by women due of being gentleman, intelligent, talented, handsome, lovable, and sweet. These women in his life were similar to each other. They served Rizal as long as they can and they really enjoy to be with his company and wishing it for forever but Rizal is a man who has a full determination to fight against Spaniards' tyranny just to save his oppressed people and to gain the everlasting freedom from this cruel colonizer. He is a man who always give way for his friend's feeling specifically Antonio Luna who was madly in love with Nelly Boustead but unfortunately to Antonio, Nelly gave too much attention to Rizal than him. And he is also a man who is faithful and loyal to his commitment to Leonora Rivera, a man whose heart truly in love and who never lose hope but always believe on the promises of love no matter how long the time and how far the distance but still fate was not for them. Rizal tend to choose his love for his Motherland over these women who became part of his life and thus, these women left in pain, hoping for nothing and get broken. It's just supports the idea that True love doesn't have happy ending that's because True love doesn't have an ending.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Narrative Report with Pictures

           Being a student teacher is not an easy task. Lots of demands from your mentors must be attained. High expectations are given to you. There are lots of tears that were shed due to remake of lesson plans, grades, and mentors' comments. you must be strong in meeting the hardship of being a student teacher but I do believe that through the hardship I've experienced inside ILS will mold me to be a best teacher someday. All my sufferings will be all worth when I'll be in the real battle field as being a teacher.
          One thing I could say about my learners is that they are very noisy during our first met. there are times that they did not respect their student teachers, thus, it creates a gap and hate between us (student teachers) and them. As days went by, I've learned that even though they are very stubborn they are still sweet and lovable in their own little ways.
         To my fellow student teachers, so far we are okay though there are times that we misunderstood each other. Every problems and failure we've experienced due to the pressure of being a student teacher we are still there to comfort and hug each other. Lots of tears we've shed due to lots of factors but you never saw as leaving each other in the midst of sadness. We've always at each others' side to give encouragement and joy. Thus, we've created a beautiful and strong bond.
         To my beloved mentor, Dr. Steven L. Baylan, he is a  very kind, understanding, approachable, responsible, calm and a very supportive mentor though he is lazy sometimes. And we are lucky to have him as our mentor because in him we felt that we are worth and being loved and cared. he is always their to entertain all our problems and complains. Thus, I consider him as a strong tree for us to hang on in every failure that we've encountered. I really enjoy to be with his company and I know like my other co-student teachers, we treasured him like a precious diamond.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lesson Plan in Math 3

I. Objectives:
          Given varied activities, the grade 3 pupils, with at least 80% accuracy are expected to:
                     a. determine the parts of a subtraction equation;
                     b. apply the concept of subtraction in word problem;
                     c. supply what has been asked in every problem;

II. Subject Matter:
          Topic: Concept of Subtraction
          Values Infused: Honesty
          Skills: Subtracting

III. Materials:
          4 sets of Darts, $ cards with questions, manila paper for the word problem, flash cards, 50 fruits or vegetables and basket chart

           Mathematics for Changing World 3
            (Norma M. Abracia, Ed. D. et, al. pp.52-55)
           Mathematics for Global Challenges 3
             (Norma Abracia pp. 79-83)
IV. Procedure:
            A. Drill
                The teacher will present a basket chart to the class with 50 kinds of fruits and vegetables. Let the students count all the fruits or vegetables in the basket. Ask for volunteers to pick the number of fruits or vegetables asked by the teacher and let the whole class identify how many fruits or vegetables are left. repeat the procedure until there is no more fruits or vegetables left. all students are given a chance to pick fruits or vegetables in the basket.

50 - 5 = 45           45-7 = 38       38-9 = 29 ......

            B. Review:
                  Who can share what was discussed yesterday? what do you call the steps in solving problems? kindly enumerate the steps. Present the 4 cards with corresponding questions after grouping the class into 4 groups. each group must have a representative to answer the question in the board while the rest of the member of each group will answer in their seats following the Polya's 4 steps in solving problem solving.

1. Edwin gathered 968 mangoes on Friday, 1263 on Saturday and 1136 on Sunday. How many mangoes did he gathered in 3 days?
2. Nancy baked 57 cupcakes. Andi baked 27 cupcakes more than Nancy. How many  cupcakes did Andi baked?
3. Imelda gave 18 roses to her mother. she had 19 roses left. How many did she have at first?
4. Ritzi walked a distance of 5673 meters on Saturday and 6898 meters on Sunday. How far did she walk in two days?

C. Lesson Proper:

          1. Motivation
              There will be a dart game and the class will be grouped into four groups. Each group are given initial 150 points. Every points of each group got is going to be subtracted to the initial points which is 150. each member of the group is expected to participate. the game will last for only 5 minutes. after the allotted time given by the teacher, the group who had the got the smallest number will be announced as the winner, thus they will receive extra points. 
          2. Presentation
              The teacher will present the numbers got by each group. let see what group who got the smallest  number. The whole class will help their teacher in deducting the numbers they got the initial point which is 150.
              What we did as we are deducting numbers to the initial point? (simply subtracting)
              Subtraction is the opposite operation of addition.

3. Discussion

              The teacher will mount a word problem to the board.
"Liam has 123 pesos. he wants to buy a gift for his mother that costs 248 pesos. how much more does he need to save?
              In solving this problem we were going to use the Polya's 4 steps in problem solving. What are the 4 steps? (Understand, Plan, Solve, Look back). The teacher will write all the steps on the board and ask for volunteers to answer to every steps with guidance from the teacher.
1. Understand
 123 pesos - amount of money Liam has
248 pesos - cost of the  gift that Liam wants to buy for his mother
    Asked: amount that Liam needs to save
2. Plan
    What operation to be used? Subtraction
    What equation will be used to solve the problem?
248 pesos - 123 pesos = amount that Liam needs to save
3. Solve
     Apply the  equation to solve.
248 - 123 = 125 pesos
  Therefore: Liam needs 125 pesos
4. Look back
     Did your answer the question in the problem?
     Is the answer reasonable? (let the student  explain his or her answer)

4. Comparison
     What do we call 248 pesos in the   problem or the number from which we  subtract? (minuend) What do we call 123 pesos in the problem, or the number that we subtract? (subtrahend) what do we call 125 pesos, or the answer in subtraction? (difference)
      The teacher will let the  students read the words; minuend, subtrahend, and difference, and let the students identify that these three words are part of subtraction equation. How do we know that you really got the correct  answer? We were going to , what? (to check) How we were going to check? (apply addition) What number we were  going to add? (123 and 125) 123 and 125, what part are they belong in subtraction equation? (123 is the subtrahend and 125 is the difference)

5. Generalization
     What steps we were going to follow in solving problem especially in subtraction? (Polya's 4 steps in problem solving) Enumerate the 4 steps? (understand, plan, solve and look back) Let the  students identify what has been asked in every step. after which let the students name the three parts of subtraction equation. (minuend, subtrahend, and difference) The teacher will present a Flash card and let the students name the number which is the minuend, subtrahend, and the difference.

6. Fixing of Skills
   6.1. The teacher will present flash cards and let the students subtract orally.
   6.2. Answer the Following  equation

1. 18 -9 =       2. 17 - 8 =       3. 16- 8 =       4. 15 - 9 =    
 5. 11 - 4 =

   6.3. Complete each equation by writing the missing part.

1. 26 - __ =  10      2. 19 - ___ = 9        3. ___ - 10 = 7     
4. 20 -13 = ___         5. ___ - 4 = 6

IV. Evaluation
    Directions: Solve the following equation. Write your  answers on the space provided.

a. 33 - 23 =___                                 
b. 94 - 73 =___                                
c. 23 - 19 = ___                                
d. 81 - 80 = ___                             
e. 22 - 18 =___                                
f. 36 -36 = ___
g. 35 -8 = ___
h. 56 -51 =___
i. 37 -18 = ___
j. 33- 28 = ___

V. Assignment:
    Answer pages 81- 82, Skill Builders B and C in your Math Book 3.

Monday, January 3, 2011

(Haiku) Brown Out

Match stick lights candle
yellow fire burning candle
light spread - the whole room

Wind blows and lightning
thundr sound next, raindrops fell
swishing sounds - room dim

Fight for keeping light
match stick is only one - gone
strong wind blows so hard

Darkness covers room
no light burning the candle
melting left behind

The room left no thing
the yellow light turns away
warm room turns to cold

by: Jociel Ledesma

(Haiku) American Red Rose

American rose -
bees, butterflies zip nectars
goddess appearance

red colored petal
healthy stem made attraction
smells good towards tempt

hands full of desires
picks you to be forever
blood comes drop on leaves

they can't be with you
your thorns on the stem guards you
beauty keeps - spring day

by: Jociel Ledesma